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EasyIsometric behavior addon for Construct 2 and Construct 3

What is EasyIsometric?

It's a Construct behavior that manages Z order of objects (e.g. sprites) based on their Y coordinate. It helps creating an “isometric” perspective with 2D assets by making an impression of third dimension (sometimes called “2.5D”)

It is an excellent solution for many games like:

  • RPG,
  • shooters,
  • strategy,
  • building simulators,
  • survival,
  • hack’n’slash,

and more.

How do you use it?

It’s really simple. Just add the behavior to every object that you want to be automatically swapping its Z order. The EasyIsometric will do the rest.

If needed, you can set the object’s type as ‘Static’ which is recommended for objects that are not intended to change their position, like buildings, walls, plants etc. This will additionally improve the performance.

Moreover, you can set Z order based not only on the Origin Point, but Image Points too. This is very handy in some cases; mostly complex structures or in-air objects like bullets and flying creatures.

What can it be used with?

Most of all with sprites, as this is a type of object you would like to swap Z order to achieve desired effect. Nevertheless it works with any graphical objects, including Tiled Background, Text etc.

What about performance?

In most cases the impact on performance is much lower in comparison to other available solutions. Most of all, it works much better with static objects.

Most plugins or manual codes set Z order using a loop that verifies the Y coordinate for every object on each tick, regardless if the object needs to change Z order or not.

EasyIsometric behavior manipulates Z order only for objects that changed their Y position.

Moreover, if the object is set as Static, it’s Y coordinate is not verified at all, so there are less calculations to be processed.

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All Assets by Author
UE Versions 1.1.1
Release date 01.02.2023

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