Introduction Video:
How-to-Use Video:
Digital Wave contains material functions:
CenterWave - single Spherical Wave that goes from Wave Center;
CenterWaveQuantized - single Spherical Wave (Quantized) that goes from Wave Center;
DistanceFade - simple Linear Fade that starts from Center point;
DistanceFadeQuantized - Linear Fade (Quantized) that starts from Center point;
Dots - multiple dots projected in the selected direction;
FadeInOut - dynamic Fade In and Fade Out effect;
FadeInOutCentered - dynamic Fade In and Fade Out effect similar to center wave;
LinearWave - single wave that goes from starting point in the direction of the given vector;
LinearWaveQuantized - single (quantized) wave that goes from starting point in the direction of the given vector;
LinesDirectional - lines in the direction of the given vector. Lines can move or stay in place;
NormalGate - this node can be used as a "gate" function;
Quads - rectangular grid in three directions;
RadarLine - rotating Radar Line;
Pulse - simple pulse over time;
WavesDirectional - waves in the direction of the given vector. Can move or stay in place;
Skew - function for skewing UV coordinates;
Hexagons, Squares, Triangles - suitable for drawing on a plane (in UV space). Contains outputs for displaying borders and interior areas.