This asset enables you to have the ability to Move/RotateScale/Copy/Delete/Undo/Axis alignment/Vertex alignment/Multiple select/Box select objects in the PIE , standalone games and shipping or packaged builds.
Different functions are packaged into separate modules, therefore you can customize all of these functions and appearances according to your preferences.
Basically, all functions contain comments fopr you to understand the structure and purpose of the function, so that you can modify it to make it more suitable for your expectations.
Asset is fully independent of the editor, other assets or libraries.
Fully made by Blueprints.
Showcase Video:
Project Demo for download:!AtP8lcFb6_zMgX_UXafOvsxB66dD?e=hCfEMl
Example usages:
- ArchViz projects;
- Assembly game;
- Product display projects;
- Runtime Interactive Games;