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In this engaging card game, players are tasked with strategically combining two cards of identical value to create a new one. The ultimate objective is to accumulate the highest valued card and attain the maximum score achievable. Players must diligently observe the game, plan their moves carefully, and adapt to the evolving dynamics on the table. Success in this game requires a blend of quick thinking, strategic planning, and a bit of luck. As cards are combined and the game progresses, the stakes get higher, and players need to stay alert to maintain their lead or catch up. The player who can best manage their cards, anticipate their opponents' moves, and seize opportunities to combine cards effectively will have the upper hand. The thrill of the game lies in the constant challenge and the satisfaction of achieving a high card and score, showcasing one's skill and strategy in the face of competition.

UE Versions 1.0.0
Release date 31.10.2023

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