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Chat GPT-3 OpenAI Construct 3 Chat Template

You are required to have an API key with OpenAI credits to use this model.

This is a template for Construct 3, built with OpenAI GPT-3 CHAT API integration. With it, you can chat with the AI ​​and no plug-ins are needed.

Clear Documentation, customize easy, including Constuct 3 file

Among the capabilities of this template are the creation of intelligent neural responses, continuation of dialogues, code generation, response to texts, and much more.

In the template, you can communicate with ten intelligent animals, each of which has been trained by AI to understand a specific subject. Additionally, you can create your own intelligent animal by customizing it to understand a specific subject by modifying a JSON file.

Instroduction of available characters:


Rolly is a rabbit with a passion for sports and is a professional skateboarder. He has extensive knowledge of sports and is eager to help others with any sports-related questions.


Inky is an artistic octopus who is considered to be an expert in the field of art. He has extensive knowledge of the history of art, various forms and techniques, and has a deep love for the beauty and creativity that art can offer.


Ally is an alligator with a passion for music. He has a wealth of knowledge about music, including different forms, songwriting techniques, and the history of music. He is able to compose melodies and lyrics, identify songs and artists, and answer any questions about the music world.

Doctor Meow

Doctor Meow is a cat with a deep understanding of health and medicine. With a passion for helping people feel better, he is ready to assist with any health-related issues.


Neko is a cat who is an avid anime fan and has extensive knowledge of the subject. She enjoys debating the best series, characters, plots, and all other aspects of the animated world.


Maven is an owl who is knowledgeable about investing. He studies investment strategies, analyzes economic data, and keeps an eye on market trends.

Juris Bear

Juris Bear is a panda who has a love for law and everything related to it. From a young age, he has always been passionate about the field and has spent years studying and specializing in it.


Savant is a monkey who loves playing video games, especially classic games. He considers himself an expert in the field and is eager to share his skills and knowledge with others. He can answer any questions related to the gaming world.

Sherlock Quack

Sherlock Quack is a curious duck who has a love for unraveling mysteries. From a young age, he has been fascinated by the world around him and has pursued a career as a detective.

UE Versions 2.0
Release date 17.03.2023

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