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C2 AdMob Plus PRO

Google Mobile Ads SDK

  • Google Mobile Ads SDK = 8.6 ( IOS )
  • Google Mobile Ads SDK = 20.4.0 ( ANDROID )

AD Support

  • Banner Ad
  • Interstitial Ad
  • Rewarded Interstitial Ad (NEW)
  • Rewarded Ad
  • App open Ad (NEW)
  • Native Ad (NEW)
  • Support Mediation(Coming Soon)

Rewarded Ads features

  • Set App Volume
  • Mute App Volume
  • custom Data
  • user Id

(Coming soon) Rewarded Ads Server-side Verification

Rewarded video SSV (server-side verification) callbacks provide an extra layer of protection against spoofing of client-side callbacks to reward users.

Video Ad Volume Control

  • Set App Volume
  • Mute App Volume

The device volume, controlled through volume buttons or OS-level volume slider, determines the volume for device audio output. However, apps can independently adjust volume levels relative to the device volume to tailor the audio experience.

Valid ad volume values range from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (current device volume).

By default, the app volume is set to 1 (the current device volume).

Request User Consent

  • Consent Status: Unknown | Required | NotRequired | Obtained
  • Consent Type: Unknown | Personalized | NonPersonalized
  • Form Status: Unknown | Available | Unavailable

Max Ad Content Rating

  • G
  • MA
  • PG
  • T

Tracking Authorization Status

  • not Determined
  • restricted
  • denied
  • authorized

AdMob Plus c2addon

  • No Ad-Sharing
  • Fully Open Source
  • No Remote Control
  • Well maintained

Supported platforms

  • Android
  • IOS
UE Versions 1.6.5
Release date 16.10.2023

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