The Asset Snapper is an Editor Tool system allowing for the easy placement and snapping of Static Meshes and Actors together. For a quick overview, please view the images in the gallery.
In the Static Mesh Editor, one can define custom "Snap Points" by either entering/moving the snap points manually, or using mesh vertices to assist in rapid placement of objects in your scenes.
You can then snap actors and components, perform automatic scaling, offset adjustment, tag matching, tag filtering (whitelist/blacklist) and much more! You can use Snap Points in the Level Editor AND Blueprint Editor for creating prefabs quickly!
You can also use your snap points to setup quick pivot points in the Level Editor.
The full documentation can be found here:
It's short and too the point, and I recommend a quick pass through to understand the entire system.
The Snap Points are stored using Custom Asset data, and when compiled into a final game binary have zero-cost as they are completely removed during the packaging process. Also, the Snap Points themselves do not incur any additional runtime cost (outside of the memory used for them) even when playing in the editor.
This plugin will take your prototyping and modular asset placement to the next level!