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  • Array-Based Achievement System: A flexible and scalable system that dynamically resizes based on the number of achievements.
  • Progress Bars: Visual representation of achievement progress with updating bars, keeping players engaged and motivated.
  • Turn-In Mechanism: Players can exchange completed achievements for valuable in-game gems.
  • Basic Battle Tapping Template: Engage in exciting battles with a tapping mechanic, featuring a health system with updating bars.
  • Separate Currency: Defeating enemies rewards players with a unique in-game currency for further customization.
  • User-Friendly Menus: Two types of menu styles included, providing intuitive navigation through the game's features.
  • Tween Demonstrations: Showcase smooth and visually appealing menu animations with detailed demonstrations.
  • Captivating Scrolling Background: Immersive background that dynamically scrolls, enhancing the game's atmosphere.
  • Fully Commented: The template comes with comprehensive comments throughout the code, making it easy to understand and customize.
All Assets by Author
UE Versions 1.1
Release date 26.06.2023

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